Sunday, 7 June 2009

Seas of blue

I made this today.

It's on tigertail with a mix of blue and green coloured glass and seed beads, small metal beads and crimps.

First PMC pieces

Hi all

Went on a pmc (precious metal clay) course at the local University yesterday. The facilities there are fantastic and if any of the girls want to do artistic type stuff in the future this is the place.

Anyway, I made my first pmc pieces yesterday. They're a bit 'organic' but they're mine. Practice makes perfect so they say. The teardrop is orginal PMC and the rest are PMC+.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Twisted wire necklace

Just made this one tonight. Hope you like it :)

I've made a few other necklaces and bangles recently so will add some pictures soon.

Sharon :)